Bartolotti Huis – Herengracht 170-172
The house was built around 1618 and designed by one of the finest architects of the time Hendrick de Keyser. It was built on behalf of Willem van den Heuvel, (aka Guillielmo Bartolotti) who settled in Amsterdam as head of the banking and trading house. He was then one of the richest men in Amsterdam.
There are two inscriptions on the front of the building; ‘Ingenio et assiduo labore’ and ‘Religione et probitate’. Literally translated, these mean ‘ingenuity and continued labour’ and ‘religion and virtue’. The merchant considered these to be the core values which led to success.
Huis BarlottiĀ is now home to Hendrick de Keyser Association which focuses on the preservation of historic buildings in The Netherlands.
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Photo taken at: Bartolotti Huis